I want my children and grandchildren to know about what it was like when I was growing up, things I remember about my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, too. For my grandchildren, that's their great, great great grandparents. Wow!! From my place in the middle of this, I think my progeny might be interested in the things I can remember, including some memories about them. So, here goes...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Embroidering "Buttercup"
Since I'm doing the embroidery by hand on my Buttercup project, I thought I better get right on it. So far, so good. If I take enough aspirin, I can do it!
I designed this myself, and apparently this is a novelty. In every store I went to in order to get all the supplies I would need, I was asked what # thread, what pattern I was using, etc. When I said I just put it together myself, it was met with surprise--I think even maybe admiration. (hehehe)
No big deal. But I do love this project and can't wait to get it finished. That should coincide with Buttercup being born, I hope.
See you soon, little one!
Monday, August 24, 2009
My New Janome (juh-NO-me)
Changing Things Around
So, I got a little tired of the professional picture with the pink page. Blue-gray is a little more tolerable, I think. Not sure that I really like it yet.
Something interesting has happened in our back yard since we added our new room, patio and patio cover. The big ugly black birds that had moved into our roof and old patio cover moved on because our new roof doesn't have a place for them to nest.
Now we have groups of robins, blue jays, cardinals, of course sparrows--and many others I'm sure I don't know.
They live in the trees and apparently the big black birds don't, because the trees are still out there.
It's a pleasant view from my computer.
Have a great day!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My Veggie Wraps
Well, I just finished eating my new favorite supper. Remember the Veggie Wraps with Peanut Butter Dipping Sauce from AmyDubDub's blog? Well, that's what I had tonight.
I don't use the sauce as a dipping sauce, I just pour it in the veggies directly. When I try to dip, the veggies fall out.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Bobby's surgery and recovery
Well, I think we're past the worst of it. Actually, today was the most painful his incision has been -- I think it's healing and stinging/itching.
I caught some sort of stomach mess and was really ill the day I brought him home--I came in and lay down on the couch and fell asleep. Yesterday was a repeat--just plain yucky. Today a little tired, but stomach OK. This evening, I think I may actually survive.
Meanwhile, I have been taking care of Bobby, who, lucky for me, slept a lot yesterday. We got out a few times today. He's taking a muscle relaxer and 1/2 a pain pill so he's a little "goobery" -- and I can definitely tell regular goobery from drug-induced goobery!
The pain in his leg emanating from his spine is gone. That was the purpose of the surgery, so we're grateful for that.
I think that's all.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Home Again, Home Again, Ziggety Zog!
Well, we made it. We had so much fun with Christy and her boys while they were here. Then we went to Houston with Amy and had a great week down there. We got to stay with Cheli and Grampy on Saturday night and visit with Jennie and Alisa on Sunday before they took us to the train. Our ride home was an adventure. Calysta told everybody that she had been to the beach.
I didn't need to worry that my home would go to pot while I was gone--it looks exactly like it did when I left--party stuff here and there--same food only now older in the refrigerator (I asked Bobby what he ate while I was gone and he said, "oh I don't know, this and that") --laundry patiently waiting--so I am not bored and wondering what to do with myself yet in my retirement!
My ears are full of wax, my head aches with sinus mess. I really wish I wouldn't get hung over and full of the morning after when I know I didn't have the night before!
Tomorrow we start the procedures to get Bobby's back repaired so that'll be the main focus for a while now.
Ready, set GO...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
In Texas
I think I'll replace my profile photo. It's one I had taken at work and looks altogether too "professional". That really won't do.
I am loving this week at Amy's house. Her boys are being darling. Calysta is having a good time playing new games and being the "little sister" (sometimes they're pests, you know), and of course, it was wonderful to see Karie (and finally her little biscuit) even for just an afternoon.
It's a great thing to see that your children grew up to be capable, smart and kind--I don't think it gets any better than that!
We're doing sewing machine research so I can make a good decision when I get home. So far, the best recommendation is a reconditioned older Singer--definitely not a new one. I dunno. If anyone has another opinion, I would love to hear it.
I have great grandbaby quilts to design and create--I'll make one and the others will be like it--same as I did the grandbaby quilts.
Tonight we're going to Bunko (Bunco?) and I will finally discover what that's all about--I have been hearing about this for a long time from many different people, but never participated.
Then we're driving to Galveston and the beach tomorrow--can't wait for that--it's good for my San Diego girl's heart.
It's early and I'm reading a book, so I'll go work on that--no, not work, just read.
Monday, August 10, 2009
checking in...
I'm visiting with Amy and her family in Houston this week. This morning we're going to Curves--I hope I find some there. My foot is at it again. I don't know what gives with it, but it's maddening--sitting for many hours usually will do it, though.
Bobby and I sold our new motorcycle and cargo trailer. It's a bittersweet thing. We didn't really want to sell, but riding was getting progressively more difficult, so--well, there you are. We got the price we asked.
Going to ride over tomorrow to Austin and see the beautiful and pregnant Kare-bear. I am still trying to wrap my brain around becoming a GREAT grandparent! yikes. I remember my great grandparents. They were very old even the first time I remember them. mercy.
Amy is up, the kids are still asleep and the washer is running. The week has started. I think it's going to be a fun one...
Friday, August 7, 2009
Well, today's the day. Going in to work for my last day. "Day" isn't actually accurate--precisely, that is. I'll be there at 0800 as usual, but leaving around 1100 or thereabouts. Yippee!
I have had Amy and Christy here this week with Dylan, James and Jake also. Yesterday Calysta came--of course Mark has been in and out all week, too.
I had the pleasure of watching Jake and Calysta playing yesterday afternoon, and it was a testament to how he is treated when learning a new skill or just in general, maybe.
Calysta asked him to hook up her Wii Disney Princesses game so he did. They were in the living room and he was showing her some of the finer points of how to play with the remote and Wii generally. His voice was gentle and his words were kind and insructive. What a wonderful little guy!
I think they'll have a lot of fun next week when we're all at Amy's home. I can't wait.
Bobby will have back surgery on Wednesday, August 19. I'll let everybody know how that goes afterward.
Bye--next time you hear from me I won't even remember what I did for a living.
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