Monday, May 31, 2010

GREAT Weekend!!

I attended Alisa's (cum laude) high school graduation, saw my Kare-bear, my boys from St. Louis, Dylan and Jeremy, as well as three daughters and a son and his little daughter, my Calysta! It was a wonderful weekend. The other person I saw was this little tiny very precious and darling angel!!!

And here's information for all those doting grandmothers out there: In case you were wondering, the great grandbaby is as precious, wonderful, darling and lovable as the grandbabies! --and why not, they're the babies of your equally wonderful, etc. grandchildren.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Newest Toy--new Janome serger

Honestly, I can't think of anything I don't have--that I wanted. Best news: Amy is coming this summer and bringing her serger. We're going to take a class and see what we can do together with them. I'm pretty excited to learn how to operate this very complicated machine. Who else has one? What can you tell me about them? Help!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I can't think of anything more fun than spending time with a new member of my family. My (only) great grandchild Avery is a winner!!