Friday, January 8, 2010

January '09

Well, what I remember most about last January is that I could finally say, "I'm going to retire this year!" It was music to my ears every time I said it--which was fairly often, as I recall. The winter was mild and I felt as though we had dodged the big cold bullet. Although we had some storms and icy roads, they were generally short-lived. As the month ended and the last of the winter storms had passed, I realized that I would never have to drive to work again in ice and snow. It was a wonderful thing. Bobby turned 67 toward the end of the month, but still didn't really want to retire. He noted that his usual winter maladies--sinus infections, sore and scratchy throat, congested breathing--had not materialized. He felt that it was due to the mild winter. He had started having trouble with sciatic pain running down his left leg. It's a long time ago, and by now not important, but that's what I recall about January 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Big contrast, weather-wise, to this winter, which is Burr City.
