Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sick/hurt kids

I guess it doesn't matter how old your children are, when they're hurt or sick, you're worried and do what you can for them. I went to Dallas to take Wendy for a short procedure, but one that she needed to be driven home from. Anyone in the area could have done it, but since I have just retired, it seemed like a fun thing that we could do together...and we did. We went to dinner together on Tuesday night and then walked around the shopping district near where she lives. We stopped and got pedicures. In the AM, we went to the hospital for her procedure. About an hour after they took her in, they came in to get me, but instead of taking me to the Outpatient recovery area, they took me to a consultation room. My heart stopped for a minute until the doctor, who came in with me, said something like Wendy is OK. Then I wondered why I was in there. He explained a complication that had happened and that Wendy would need emergency surgery. Her surgeon (the one that has operated on her about 3 times in the last 11 years) was in the building and came into the room in just a few minutes. We talked for a minute and I went upstairs to the Surgery waiting room and was there until about 4:30, when I met Wendy in her room upstairs. Basically, we have been in her hospital room for a week (she got out yesterday evening--Wednesday the 28th--went in on Wednesday the 21st the week before). She's going to be spending a few days with Jennie. I drove home after I got her settled. I'm happy to report that the surgery repaired not only the accident that occurred during the outpatient procedure, but repaired a larger problem that had been bedevilling Wendy for quite some time now, and in fact, that had caused the accident in the first place--so she'll be better now than she's been for a long time. I'm tired and she's getting well. Perfect ending!

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