Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween thoughts

Well, I was wondering why we (my children and I) never made much of Halloween in our family. I tried to remember what I did as a child and I think I had the Big Aha. No one, as long as I can remember, did much for Halloween. When we were really little, Bobby and I had to figure out something to wear--not our regular clothes--usually a gypsy and pirate--we could use mostly regular clothes and do a few extra things to make those costumes OK. I know people did Trick-or-Treating and we did too, but that's about it. No one in any of the three houses we grew up in did any decorating, and there were no scary stories or really anything except foraging for costumes and eating resulting candy. I went to a Halloween costume party once (I must have been around 10 or 11) and there were decorations, games, including bobbing for apples, mothers dressed up as witches and a lot of hilarity, but it was the only time I ever saw that as a child. So, with apologies to my children for our Halloween lack and my particular Halloween lapse I hope you find your First-Holiday-of-the-Season lots of fun and very scary!!

1 comment:

  1. As I type this, I am preparing the house for a Halloween party. I throw parties a lot. I love having a house full of friends and family. I love the atmosphere it creates, full of laughter and good food.
    Don't sweat it Mom. We learned how to have a good time.
