Monday, October 5, 2009

Family DVD

So, I finished the Family Reunion 2008 DVD. It's about an hour long and contains most of the pictures from the reunion that were on the website that I made for everybody to upload their pictures to. Also included are some really old (well some are older than others) pictures from when we (the Martin siblings--Linda/Bob/Jeff/Cheli) were little, some when our parents were little, and one even from when our grandmother (Nana) was a baby! I just put some nondescript music to it so you could put it on, mute the sound and have it in the background. Actually I rather like the music so at least give it a listen. I will need to know how many of these to make (so far I only have one--mine). As I noted in a comment to one of Bob's blogs, I think they were going to charge $5 for them and use the money to help defray some of the next reunion costs...Dallas, 2010 Labor Day weekend (Grampy's 85th birthday), right? I sure hope to see everyone we saw at the last Reunion and hopefully even more Utah/Nevada Martins--somebody please put a bug in Bobby's ear--I'd sure love to see that guy! --also, Jenna, ahem--we need you and yours, too--and Joni--I know the vicissitudes of BBQ are wide and deep, but we haven't even met your Jared! Everyone put it on your calendars, place it in your hearts, and make many mental notes and scatter them all over your brains--that way no matter what you are thinking about, the idea of going to Texas for Labor Day will pop into your stream of consciousness. Later--gotta go (working on red mush)...


  1. Karen and I will certainly want a DVD.

  2. oh mush. Childhood trauma once again rears its ugly head! LOLOL
