Monday, December 27, 2010

I Finally Have Started A...

I think probably only Amy will appreciate this, and you can believe me, it is a very big deal.
I have thought lately how interesting the vocabulary is for my new hobby. We have "stashes" and I am now substitute teaching to support my expensive "habit". hmmmm
OK as to my inchoate stash, it includes three light white or off-white prints, one light green, one medium lavender and one dark lavender. So, four lights, one medium and one dark.
I love them. My local quilt shop had a inventory reduction sale this week and it includes fabrics 30% off the regular price unless you buy the rest of the bolt, then it's 40% off. I bought four "rest of the bolts", and two yardage pieces.
So, now I am officially "in" the hobby. hum hum hum


  1. You have a stash! Hooray! That's how I started my stash - whenever there was a sale I bought the things I liked. I didn't know what I was doing at first and just picked out fabrics that caught my eye. Now I know about light, medium and dark and my shopping is a little more logical.
    When our nearest Joann's Fabric store lost their lease and had to move everything in the store was discounted. I spent quite a bit and really built up my stash then. That's not something that happens very often though.
    The best part about having a stash is when something comes up - a birthday, new baby, etc. and I have materials to work with on hand. I've made quite a few last minute gifts with my stash.

  2. Hahaha Linda! Good thing you started acquiring a stash or else I would not be able to consider you a real quilter, no matter how many quilts you make!
