Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 2009

The month is getting away from me and I haven't written a blog. Eric graduated this month; Jennie will graduate next month. My brother died. I saw the Grand Canyon. Altogether it was a momentous month, not altogether wonderful. I was mentioning a pan I saw in Southern Living magazine, that when I went to the website ( where they said I could get it, they said it was unavailable. My beautiful and generous daughter-in-law, Amy, told me she had seen the pan at the local Michaels out in Queen Creek. So we ran by and there was one left--and she let me get it! Now I'm on a quest to find her one. It may not be this year, but I'll do it. I'm perturbed that the magazine would advertise something that's unavailable, and I'm sure they and Wilton heard many complaints about it. Maybe that will spur them to make it available again. I'm making the cakes today. I love being retired. I can make whatever plan I choose and barring something unexpected, I can feel assured that I can do it. It's freedom of the First Water. I have been thinking about my great-grandmother lately (for obvious reasons). Her name was Martha Jensen Rasmussen. She's the one who lived next to my grandparent's house who lived next to us. We called her Ma. Her home was a polling place, and she, along with other women ran the polls on every election day. I would go over and watch. I had to sit quietly on the couch and just watch, but it was interesting. When I go to vote these days, I always pay attention to the ladies at the polls and thank them for their work when I leave. One thing: Ma always had coffee and tea served in a beautiful service set, pastries and other goodies for the ladies who were working at her home. Well, my nose is telling me that my cakes are ready to come out of the oven, so I'll go for now.


  1. What shape is your cake pan? Be sure to post a pic of your cake when it's all baked and decorated. I might be able to find the pan here if you'd like me to look. I have multiple Michael's and Hobby Lobby's and Garden Ridge Pottery stores within 10 miles or so.

  2. They're little pumpkin cakes--about the size of oranges/apples. There are four bottom halves and four top halves. They're sitting in the pan with the middles up. So, when they're cool, you turn a top over on a bottom and you have a little pumplin-shaped cake. The recipe (which I would use only once a year) has both butter and cream cheese in it and the cake is velvety smooth and almost creamy--very tasty. I got it in the October issue of Southern Living. I haven't frosted them yet. I mated them up, put them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer until next week. I'll give them as desserts/party favors to guests at Thanksgiving Dinner.

  3. awesome. A little surprised that you are baking cake, as you are a life time ww gal, but i think it is cool nonetheless.

  4. These are individual cakes that will each be given to a guest as their dessert--or a take-home party favor.
