Sunday, June 28, 2009


I was sick yesterday. Since I don't actually get sick very often, it always seems like an assault to me. My stomach was taken over by demons--the kind that make you feel like vomiting would save your life. ech Well, the demons have been exorcised but I'm in that sort of half-light place where it feels that they went off and left a lot of pop cans, gum wrappers and grafitti all over the place. But I can think about getting some work done around my house--I did nothing yesterday, and go grocery shopping--again, nothing yesterday, and maybe even cooking a little ahead for next week--yep, nothing there either yesterday. 40 days to go until I retire. Now I'm excited for my girls and their boys to come. This is going to be such a fun couple of months!


  1. I hope you keep feeling better! Forty more days till we're there, I'm so happy to see you retire!

  2. Feel better! I hardly ever get sick either, so I know the "assaulted" feeling.
