Saturday, May 2, 2009

How are we doing?

So, I went down and weighed in this morning. As you can see, I have made my goal of 118 lbs. I even have a little wiggle room. So, how is everybody else doing? I know we aren't having our Family Reunion this year, but I assume the contest is still on. I think my challenge is keeping the same weight--or thereabouts--until next summer!


  1. Way to go!! Lose any more and you'll blow away!

    I didn't enter the contest, but have lost nine. It's slow going what with not being able to do any exercise to speak of. Still, it has freed up some room in my waistbands. Working on another seven or eight and I'll be back in my wedding dress!

  2. Amy, I believe by default, everyone in the family was in the contest...

  3. Linda,

    I think we should run the contest until the reunion actually takes place. I'm down about 16 pounds, but that's after being down 30, then back up 30.

    I've had some diabetes scares the last month or so, so I'm finally taking the disease seriously. I was put on insulin last week.

    Anyway, I'm ready and serious about the contest.

  4. I'm glad you're OK now. Diabetes scares are truly scary. Best of luck to you--Amy and I may lose this after all... :) Love, Linda
