Wednesday, February 22, 2012


My cousin Lorna died yesterday.  She was 3 years younger than I am--the age of my younger brother, Bob.  We spent a lot of time together when we were little children.  I remember one time she suggested onion sandwiches for lunch.  I loved this and we did it many times after that.  Just a slice of bread, a little mayo, and a 1/4" or so slice of onion.  m-m-m-m

I hadn't heard anything about her or any of her siblings for more than 25 years.  When Bob Brown (biological parent) died about a year ago, my brother went to the funeral.  There, he reconnected with many people we thought were lost to us, including Lorna.  I called her and we had a really good visit.  I'm so glad I had that opportunity!

After that, I became Facebook friends with her younger sister, Shirene, and her older brothers Jerry and Ricky--well, I think Rick--I believe he has a son or grandson called Ricky now.  :)

Their oldest sister, Janice died just a few weeks ago, and I was never able to reconnect with her.

I love my cousins.  Their mom, Shirley, was always "there" for us if we needed her.  She loved us and told her brother, Bob Brown, that if it ever came to a choice between him and us, she would choose us.  That always made me feel loved and wanted by people other than my parents.

Jerry posted that Lorna's funeral would probably be Tuesday in Arizona.  I wish I could be there.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sorry, Mom. I remember Lorna. Was Janice's last name Sondrup? I remember them and often wonder what has happened to them. I'm glad you got to talk to Lorna before she died.
