Thursday, February 18, 2010

Uric Acid - Urate Crystals - Gout

I remember Grammy telling me she had been told she had gout and wondered how that could happen since she didn't eat red meat and didn't drink. Well, I have done some research on the subject and gout or uric acid can be caused by a number of things, including the fact that your mother had it, and the use of thiazide diuretics. Well, those are my things, I guess. I woke up this morning at 4:30 with excruciating pain in the base of my right big toe. damn. I went to the Mayo Clinic and typed in gout--as I was suspicious about this. Yep. There they were in black and white--my symptoms to a "T". The good news is that they last a short time. It's most common in men, but women after menopause get it, especially if their mothers had it. I wonder which mother had it first. I would not be surprised if my great grandmother had it (Martha). damn. The link if anyone is interested is: That's my good news for the day. I'm sulking, irritated, sleepy and must get ready for my quilting class today. Hopefully I can just forget about this and enjoy it--my class, not the pain in my foot.

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