OK, so Christy asked me yesterday when I was going to write a blog. I see it was early May when I wrote last. So, now the end of July I'm not sure if I have anything to say, but here goes.
Christy and I traveled to Houston and spent last week at Amy's home, visiting with grandkids and one particular very darling GREAT granddaughter. I got to see all of Amy's little ones, including Taylor, who is extremely handsome, grown up, but still has the little precious Taylor face. That was wonderful.
We also canned a lot of food. We sort of took turns putting up our own choices and helping one another chop, cut, slice, mix, boil, wash, etc.--all the chores that go into canning.
We brought Jeremy and Dylan with us; and Mark's daughter, Calysta. What a great deal! Cousins got to hang out, play video games and run around. Having Calysta there really made Avery happy. She loves Calysta.
Avery wasn't thrilled with me or Christy, but tolerated us. A few times I was allowed to hold her, give and receive hugs and kisses, feed her, and dress her. Altogether, that part was wonderful. She's so much like her mom, Karie, but she has some behaviors that are just like her Grammie, Amy. Amy said she didn't know where this or that came from and I would say, that I remember a very little Amy doing the same things. It's so wonderful to see how some things just seem to seep through several generations to a little one--a very wonderful little one. It's interesting being an ancestor! It was so much fun I forgot to take any pictures or movies! (nuts)
Calysta played with Jake--they were running here and there and did much giggling.
Then, on Sunday, we traveled to Dallas to spend the next week with Cheli and Grampy. Mark was there and took Calysta home (he and David had conducted some business so he was in Dallas.) On Monday the 25th, I went to Baylor Hospital with Cheli for her surgery. We were there until Wednesday and then I brought her home. She's convalescing nicely--a bump here, a smooth place there--pretty normal recovery. She'll be up and at 'em before long, I know. Dylan is spending this week with Jennie's family hanging with Alisa.
Jennie is coming over today and she, Christy and I are going to lunch--if Cheli is OK for me to leave. That'll be a nice break. I did a little cooking yesterday and Grampy was pretty thankful for that (split pea soup and chocolate cake--sugar free of course.)
I miss Bobby and my home. We're headed for Norman on Sunday morning. In the afternoon, Mark, Calysta, Christy, Dylan, Jeremy and I will try to go to see the Harry Potter movie again. We tried on opening day but just before we went into the theater, all the power went out. This area (OK and TX) has had multiple weeks of over 100 degrees and I think some power grids are suffering. I know the people are. Since then, Dylan has seen it with Alisa, and Mark and Calysta saw it after they got home. But since we still have our tickets, all of us will go to the theater and try again--wish us luck this time.
I think that's about it for me. I love being retired and having the freedom to visit my offspring--I think it's my true career.