Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well, I worked for four days. I mean I WORKED for four days. I am still an occasional part-time person at a clinic near here, and they needed a person, and asked me to fill in. I am so over working!! I believe I have found my niche in life--finally--and it's being retired, sewing, baking breads, cooking, spending time with grandchildren, WHATEVER I WANT. However, on the other hand (and, of course, there's always another hand) my new interests involve the purchase of consumables. Now that means that we have a problem, Houston. Bobby's hobbies were really expensive to set up (ham radio), but largely, he gets on famously on what he already has purchased. Me, well, that's where the consumable part comes in. I buy, I use, I need more, I buy, I use, etc. You see the problem. So, the smallish allowances we "allow" ourselves, is great for Bobby, he can save up a few months and have a great sum, but I keep running out of "stuff" and need more. hmmm... So, the working thing will be wonderful in a week or so when the money hits my checking account! But not so much while I was doing it. I have a plan to substitute teach this coming school year to feed my many and varied addictions. bummer...


  1. If each of your offspring sent you $100 per week, you'd have a nice amount of spending money.

  2. thats EVER gonna happen Bob! :o) But it will make birthdays and christmas easier!
